Cosmetic Dentistry at Kennebec River
Dentistry in Augusta, ME

Enhance Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

At Kennebec River Dentistry in Augusta, ME, we believe that a beautiful smile can boost your confidence and improve your overall quality of life. Our comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services are designed to address a variety of aesthetic concerns and help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

To schedule a consultation or learn more about our dental implant services, please call us at (207) 621-1111 or contact us. Regain your smile’s beauty, function, and confidence with Kennebec River Dentistry. We are also available for emergency dental treatment.

Cosmetic Services We Offer Include:

Teeth Whitening: Brighten your smile and remove stains with professional teeth whitening.

Porcelain Veneers: Correct dental imperfections like chips, cracks, or discoloration with custom veneers.

Smile Makeovers: Transform your entire smile with a customized treatment plan.

Invisalign: Straighten your teeth discreetly with clear aligners.

Dental Bonding: Repair minor imperfections quickly and affordably with dental bonding.

Gum Contouring: Achieve a balanced and attractive gum line with gum contouring.

Our Cosmetic Dentistry Process

Consultation: During your initial consultation, we’ll discuss your goals and create a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment: Depending on your needs, we’ll perform the chosen cosmetic procedure, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction.

Final Result: You’ll leave our office with a rejuvenated smile that looks and feels natural.

Personalized Care for Stunning Results

At Kennebec River Dentistry, we understand that every patient is unique. Our skilled cosmetic dentists take the time to listen to your concerns and goals, tailoring each treatment to your individual needs. We use the latest techniques and materials to ensure long-lasting, beautiful results.

If you’re ready to transform your smile and boost your confidence with cosmetic dentistry in Augusta, ME, trust Kennebec River Dentistry for exceptional care and outstanding outcomes.